While Buddha was on sojourn in Zetawun Monastery, there were some people in Thawutti who drank too much. One day they met to think of ways to get their drinks. One of them suggested that they should lie in wait for Anahtapain then the rich man as he came to the king and ply him with liquor that would main him and when he got so maimed they should make away with jewelleries on him as their fund for liquor. The others agreed and so they lay in wait on the way.

When he came, they invited him to partake of the very delicious liquor. Anahtapain was a sotapan and was not prone to drinks but he wanted to enquire about them and so he went along. When it came to reality he said the liquor was one to maim all those who came to them to be duped: otherwise they too should partake of the liquor too, so the men ran away in a quandary.

When the rich man arrived at Zatawun Monastery, he supplicated all to Buddha. Buddha said those who drank too much were won't to trick people not just now but even before in their past life as they wanted to dupe learned men. At the rich man's request, Buddha gave the sermon of Punnapati Jataka.

Long ago, when Byamadat was reigning in Bayanathi, embryo-Buddha was the rich man of Bayanathi. The drunkards of the town tried to dupe the embryo-Buddha. Taunted by the drunkards, the rich man thought he should be in audience with the king and so should not drink liquor. So he said he would drop in only upon his return. When he did in fact, he saw the cup was full as unused before. He did not like their airs so he asked why they had not drunk any. He said if the drinks were as good as they said they were, they should drink them themselves. When they were thus unable to do anything, he threatened them and they ran away.

Buddha said the people with excessive urge for drinks were those that tried to dupe the rich man Anahtapain.

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